Hello we are the Cockatiels!
Nymphicus hollandicus

We were not all brought into The Hamilton Aviary at the same time, but we have created our makeshift family. We are all getting older in age (around 20-25) and are a variety of colours. There are 6 of us, with the most notable being Maddie, who at The Aviary lived in a cage on her own for her safety.
Chasing each other & Being outside
Fav Foods
Seeds & Millet as treats
What I Can Say
We just chirp!
About Us and Other Cockatiels
Our ancestors lived in Australia and are commonly found in semi-arid (or dry) habitats, but always with water close by. Did you know that cockatiels are the smallest members of the cockatoo family? Cockatiels got their scientific name from the first Europeans to see them. Early settlers thought they were so beautiful that they named them after the nymph, a mythical creature.

There are many colour mutations when it comes to cockatiels, however they are not all found in the wild. Lutino Cockatiels for example have a colour gene that is specifically bred in companion birds, it is not naturally occurring. The one thing that almost all cockatiels have in common (there are a few that don't) are their "orange cheeks." These "cheeks" are actually called ear coverts which protect and cover these birds sensitive ears.​​
In fact, cockatiels are said to be the most popular bet bird in North America, likely due to their charismatic whistle and cute faces! However, it is important to remember that even though cockatiels are one of the smaller companion birds, they still need as much time, attention, and enrichment as a cockatoo, amazon, or macaw!
Because Cockatiels have a wide range and healthy wild population their IUCN status is listed as of Least Concern.​​

What I'm up to Now
I was moved to Bird Kingdom!
When our sanctuary at Oak Knoll Drive closed its doors, several birds migrated over to Bird Kingdom in Niagara Falls, Ontario. After we have completed our 30 day required quarantine period and have been assessed by the BK team, we will be available to be visited by the public again.